
Blogs For Developers

Is Tailwind CSS is becoming the new normal for web development ?

Tailwind CSS is a highly popular utility-first CSS framework that allows developers to build custom designs without having to leave their HTML. It provides a set of predefined classes that can be composed to create complex user interfaces directly in the HTML markup. Here are some key features of Tailwind CSS:

Key Features

  1. Utility-First Approach: Tailwind offers utility classes for all common CSS properties like padding, margin, color, font, and more. This approach promotes reusable, small classes instead of writing custom CSS for every component.
  2. Customization: Tailwind is highly customizable. You can configure it to fit your design system using the tailwind.config.js file.
  3. Responsive Design: Tailwind includes responsive utility variants, making it easy to build responsive designs with minimal effort.
  4. Component Composition: While it encourages utility-first design, you can still create reusable components by composing utilities into more complex classes using @apply directive.
  5. JIT Mode: Tailwind’s Just-in-Time (JIT) mode generates your styles on-demand as you author your templates, greatly reducing the final CSS bundle size.
  6. Plugins: Tailwind has a rich ecosystem of plugins to extend its capabilities, such as forms, typography, and aspect ratio.


  • Speed: Rapidly build designs without writing custom CSS.
  • Consistency: Maintain design consistency with utility classes.
  • Maintenance: Easier to maintain and update styles.
  • Performance: JIT mode and purge options ensure the CSS bundle remains small and optimized.

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